Featured Capture
The Hidden Reward
Most people who come to see Myra Falls, completely miss out on. the most spectacular view of the falls.
Myra Falls has been on our list for a while now, but with it being a FULL day trip, it requires a little more time AND energy… both things we’ve been running low on lately.
But thankfully we had a couple days cushion between Joanna’s busy work schedule and PERFECT weather to dedicate the day to visit Strathcona Park with an amazing stop of Oyster River Potholes.
Stopping at Oyster River Potholes has been something I’ve been putting off for a while but this was the perfect opportunity for us to check it out. Most of the pictures I had seen didn’t seem too appealing but wow was I wrong.
As soon as we walked under the bridge we could see the incredible beautiful blue water rushing down the river from the right. Just a little further and there is was – the potholes! It was remarkable how clear the water was, I could see hundreds of salmon just hanging out right there below me. The current here was also very calm compared to the other side of the overpass.
We had arrived early enough to be the only people here, but only for a few moments before more and more people arrived. This spot has become a popular place to swim and hang out in the potholes.
We could have spent way more time here but the clock was ticking and we needed to get to Campbell River for a nice lunch before aligning Zo’s nap with the rest of the drive.
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Most people who come to see Myra Falls, completely miss out on. the most spectacular view of the falls.
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